Measure Title: Patient-Reported Experience with Anesthesia Description: Percentage of patients, aged 18 and older, who were surveyed on their patient experience and satisfaction with anesthesia careContinue reading “2023 # AQI48 Patient-Reported Experience with Anesthesia”
QCDR/MVP Archive
2023 # AQI69 Intraoperative Antibiotic Redosing
Measure Title: Intraoperative Antibiotic Redosing Description: Percentage of patients, aged 18 years and older, who received preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis within 60 minutes prior to incision (if fluoroquinoloneContinue reading “2023 # AQI69 Intraoperative Antibiotic Redosing”
2023 # ECPR46 Avoidance of Opiate Prescriptions for Low Back Pain or Migraines
Measure Title: Avoidance of Opiate Prescriptions for Low Back Pain or Migraines Description: Percentage of Patients with Low Back Pain and/or Migraines Who Were Not Prescribed anContinue reading “2023 # ECPR46 Avoidance of Opiate Prescriptions for Low Back Pain or Migraines”