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2023 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PM_16: Implementation of medication management practice improvements


Activity Description

Manage medications to maximize efficiency, effectiveness and safety that could include one or more of the following:
• Reconcile and coordinate medications and provide medication management across transitions of care settings and eligible clinicians or groups;
• Integrate a pharmacist into the care team; and/or
• Conduct periodic, structured medication reviews.

Activity ID Activity Weighting Sub-Category Name
IA_PM_16 Medium Population Management

Objective & Validation Documentation

Objective: Maximize the efficiency, effectiveness, and safety of care across settings by strengthening medication management.

Validation Documentation: Evidence of newly implemented medication management practice improvements. Eligible clinicians should include all prescriptions, over-the-counters, herbals, and vitamin/mineral/dietary (nutritional) supplements a patient is currently taking within the purview of the medication management process. Include at least one of the following elements:
1) Documented medication reconciliation – Patient medical records demonstrating periodic structured medication reviews or reconciliation, which includes updating, reviewing, or obtaining each medication’s name, dosage, frequency, and administered route; OR
2) Integrated pharmacist – Evidence of pharmacist integrated into care team; OR
3) Reconciliation across transitions – Patient medical record demonstrating medication reconciliation at the time of the transition. For example, when a patient is being discharged from hospital to home, the reconciliation would be completed at discharge from a hospital by the discharging eligible clinician and at follow-up by the outpatient and/or primary eligible clinician; OR
4) Medication management improvement plan – Report detailing medication management practice improvement plan, and outcomes, if available. For example, the “Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Create a Safe Medicine List Together” strategy could be implemented.