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2023 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_25: Cost Display for Laboratory and Radiographic Orders


Activity Description

Implementation of a cost display for laboratory and radiographic orders, such as costs that can be obtained through the Medicare clinical laboratory fee schedule.

Activity ID Activity Weighting Sub-Category Name
IA_PSPA_25 Medium Patient Safety & Practice Assessment

Objective & Validation Documentation

Objective: Help eligible ordering clinicians easily obtain information on the cost of laboratory and radiography orders, allowing them to manage their costs strategically.

Validation Documentation: Demonstration of cost transparency by displaying costs for laboratory and radiography at the point-of-order for ordering clinicians. Include the following element:
1) Cost display for laboratory and radiographic orders – Documentation (e.g., screenshot, report from the electronic health record, written display procedure) of laboratory and radiographic costs at the point-of-order.