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2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BMH_9: Unhealthy Alcohol Use for Patients with Co-occurring Conditions of Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Ambulatory Care Patients

Activity Description Individual MIPS eligible clinicians or groups must regularly engage in integrated prevention and treatment interventions, including screening and brief counseling (for example:Continue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BMH_9: Unhealthy Alcohol Use for Patients with Co-occurring Conditions of Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Ambulatory Care Patients”

2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BMH_10: Completion of Collaborative Care Management Training Program

Activity Description To receive credit for this activity, MIPS eligible clinicians must complete a collaborative care management training program, such as the American PsychiatricContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BMH_10: Completion of Collaborative Care Management Training Program”

2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BMH_11: Implementation of a Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Approach to Clinical Practice

Activity Description Create and implement a plan for trauma-informed care (TIC) that recognizes the potential impact of trauma experiences on patients and takes stepsContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BMH_11: Implementation of a Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Approach to Clinical Practice”

2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PCMH: Electronic submission of Patient Centered Medical Home accreditation

Activity Description N/A Activity ID Activity Weighting Sub-Category Name IA_PCMH N/A Objective Obtaining Patient-Centered Medical Home™ certification drives significant and sustainable practice improvements includingContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PCMH: Electronic submission of Patient Centered Medical Home accreditation”

2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_ERP_3: COVID-19 Clinical Data Reporting with or without Clinical Trial

Activity Description To receive credit for this improvement activity, a MIPS eligible clinician or group must: (1) participate in a COVID-19 clinical trial utilizingContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_ERP_3: COVID-19 Clinical Data Reporting with or without Clinical Trial”

2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_32: Use of CDC Guideline for Clinical Decision Support to Prescribe Opioids for Chronic Pain via Clinical Decision Support

Activity Description In order to receive credit for this activity, MIPS eligible clinicians must utilize the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guideline for PrescribingContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_32: Use of CDC Guideline for Clinical Decision Support to Prescribe Opioids for Chronic Pain via Clinical Decision Support”

2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_33: Application of CDC’s Training for Healthcare Providers on Lyme Disease

Activity Description Apply the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Training for Healthcare Providers on Lyme Disease using clinical decision support (CDS). CDSContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_33: Application of CDC’s Training for Healthcare Providers on Lyme Disease”

2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_AHE_1: Enhance Engagement of Medicaid and Other Underserved Populations

Activity Description To improve responsiveness of care for Medicaid and other underserved patients: use time-to-treat data (i.e., data measuring the time between clinician identifyingContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_AHE_1: Enhance Engagement of Medicaid and Other Underserved Populations”