Activity Description A MIPS eligible clinician providing unscheduled care (such as an emergency room, urgent care, or other unplanned encounter) attests that, for greaterContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity lA_PSPA_26: Communication of Unscheduled Visit for Adverse Drug Event and Nature of Event”
MIPS Improvement Activity Archives
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_27: Invasive Procedure or Surgery Anticoagulation Medication Management
Activity Description For an anticoagulated patient undergoing a planned invasive procedure for which interruption in anticoagulation is anticipated, including patients taking vitamin K antagonistsContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_27: Invasive Procedure or Surgery Anticoagulation Medication Management”
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_28: Completion of an Accredited Safety or Quality Improvement Program
Activity Description Completion of an accredited performance improvement continuing medical education (CME) program that addresses performance or quality improvement according to the following criteria:Continue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_28: Completion of an Accredited Safety or Quality Improvement Program”
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_29: Consulting Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) Using Clinical Decision Support when Ordering Advanced Diagnostic Imaging
Activity Description Clinicians attest that they are consulting specified applicable AUC through a qualified clinical decision support mechanism for all applicable imaging services furnishedContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_29: Consulting Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) Using Clinical Decision Support when Ordering Advanced Diagnostic Imaging”
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_30: PCI Bleeding Campaign
Activity Description Participation in the PCI Bleeding Campaign which is a national quality improvement program that provides infrastructure for a learning network and offersContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_30: PCI Bleeding Campaign”
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_31: Patient Medication Risk Education
Activity Description In order to receive credit for this activity, MIPS eligible clinicians must provide both written and verbal education regarding the risks ofContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_31: Patient Medication Risk Education”
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_5: Enhancements/regular updates to practice websites/tools that also include considerations for patients with cognitive disabilities
Activity Description Enhancements and ongoing regular updates and use of websites/tools that include consideration for compliance with section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act ofContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_5: Enhancements/regular updates to practice websites/tools that also include considerations for patients with cognitive disabilities”
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_6: Regularly Assess Patient Experience of Care and Follow Up on Findings
Activity Description Collect and follow up on patient experience and satisfaction data. This activity also requires follow-up on findings of assessments, including the developmentContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_6: Regularly Assess Patient Experience of Care and Follow Up on Findings”
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_7: Participation in a QCDR, that promotes use of patient engagement tools.
Activity Description Participation in a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR), that promotes patient engagement, including: Use of processes and tools that engage patients forContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_7: Participation in a QCDR, that promotes use of patient engagement tools.”
2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_8: Participation in a QCDR, that promotes collaborative learning network opportunities that are interactive.
Activity Description Participation in a QCDR, that promotes collaborative learning network opportunities that are interactive. Activity ID Activity Weighting Sub-Category Name IA_BE_8 Medium BeneficiaryContinue reading “2022 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_8: Participation in a QCDR, that promotes collaborative learning network opportunities that are interactive.”