Activity Description Use group visits for common chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes). Activity ID Activity Weighting Sub-Category Name IA_BE_19 Medium Beneficiary Engagement
MIPS Improvement Activity Archives
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_20: Implementation of condition-specific chronic disease self-management support programs
Activity Description Provide condition-specific chronic disease self-management support programs or coaching or link patients to those programs in the community. Activity ID Activity WeightingContinue reading “2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_20: Implementation of condition-specific chronic disease self-management support programs”
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_21: Improved Practices that Disseminate Appropriate Self-Management Materials
Activity Description Provide self-management materials at an appropriate literacy level and in an appropriate language. Activity ID Activity Weighting Sub-Category Name IA_BE_21 Medium BeneficiaryContinue reading “2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_21: Improved Practices that Disseminate Appropriate Self-Management Materials”
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_22: Improved Practices that Engage Patients Pre-Visit
Activity Description Implementation of workflow changes that engage patients prior to the visit, such as a pre-visit development of a shared visit agenda withContinue reading “2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_22: Improved Practices that Engage Patients Pre-Visit”
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_23: Integration of patient coaching practices between visits
Activity Description Provide coaching between visits with follow-up on care plan and goals. Activity ID Activity Weighting Sub-Category Name IA_BE_23 Medium Beneficiary Engagement
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_24: Financial Navigation Program
Activity Description In order to receive credit for this activity, MIPS eligible clinicians must attest that their practice provides financial counseling to patients orContinue reading “2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_24: Financial Navigation Program”
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_25: Drug Cost Transparency
Activity Description To receive credit for this improvement activity, MIPS eligible clinicians must attest that their practice provides counseling to patients and/or their caregiversContinue reading “2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_BE_25: Drug Cost Transparency”
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_1: Participation in an AHRQ-listed patient safety organization
Activity Description Participation in an AHRQ-listed patient safety organization. Activity ID Activity Weighting Sub-Category Name IA_PSPA_1 Medium Patient Safety and Practice Assessment
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_2: Participation in MOC Part IV
Activity Description In order to receive credit for this activity, a MIPS eligible clinician must participate in Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Part IV. MaintenanceContinue reading “2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_2: Participation in MOC Part IV”
2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PM_21: Advance Care Planning
Activity Description Implementation of practices/processes to develop advance care planning that includes: documenting the advance care plan or living will within the medical record,Continue reading “2021 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PM_21: Advance Care Planning”