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2021 ECPR41: Rh Status Evaluation and Treatment of Pregnant Women at Risk of Fetal Blood Exposure


Measure Description

Percentage of Women Aged 14-50 Years at Risk of Fetal Blood Exposure Who Had Their Rh Status Evaluated in the Emergency Department (ED) and Received Rh-Immunoglobulin (Rhogam) if Rh-negative


  • Any Female Patient > 14 Years of Age and < 51 Years of Age Evaluated by the Eligible Professional in the ED (E/M Codes 99281-99285 & 99291-99292) PLUS
  • ED Diagnosis of high risk pregnancy complication:
    • ICD-10: O00.80, O00.81, O00.90, O00.91, O02.1, O03.1, O03.6, O04.6, O07.1, O08.1, O20.0, O20.8, O20.9, O43.011, O43.019, O44.10, O44.11, O45.001, O45.009, O45.011, O45.019, O45.021, O45.029, O45.091, O45.099, O45.8X1, O45.8X9, O45.90, O45.91, O46.001, O46.011, O46.021, O46.8X1, O46.8X9, O46.90, O46.91
  • Transferred, eloped or AMA patients are excluded (V0700)


Women Aged 14-50 Years at Risk of Fetal Blood Exposure Who Had Their Rh Status Evaluated in the ED and Received Rh-Immunoglobulin (Rhogam) if Rh-negative

Numerator Options

  • Performance Met (VE257): Patients who had their Rh status evaluated and were confirmed Rh-positive OR Patients who had Rh status evaluated AND received an order for Rh-Immunoglobulin (Rhogam) if Rh-negative
    • Definition of Rh status evaluated: Laboratory testing of Rh status or documented Rh status (e.g., “Patient known Rh+”)
  • Medical Performance Exclusion (Denominator Exception) (VE258): Patients who did not have Rh status evaluated or did not receive an order of Rh-Immunoglobulin (Rhogam) if Rh-negative for documented medical reasons
  • Patient Performance Exclusion (Denominator Exception) (VE259): Patients who did not have Rh status evaluated or did not receive an order of Rh-Immunoglobulin (Rhogam) if Rh-negative for documented patient reason(s) (e.g., patient refused Rh testing or Rhogam)
  • Performance Not Met (VE260): Patients who did not have Rh status evaluated or did not receive Rh-Immunoglobulin (Rhogam) if Rh-negative, reason not given

Numerator Exclusions


NQF ID Number


NQS Domain

Effective Clinical Care

High Priority Measure


Includes Telehealth?


Inverse Measure


Proportional Measure


Continuous Variable Measure


Ratio Measure


Number of performance rates to be calculated and submitted


Risk-Adjusted Status?


Meaningful Measure

Preventive Care

Measure Type


Care Settings

Emergency Department and Services

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