Measure Title:Oncology: Utilization of Prophylactic GCSF for Cancer Patients Receiving Low-Risk Chemotherapy (inverse measure)
Measure Description: Percentage of patients with cancer (solid tumors only) receiving any white cell growth factors with during the first cycle of low-risk chemotherapy.
Denominator: Total number of patients with cancer (solid tumors only) receiving their first cycle of low-risk chemotherapy within the measurement period AND patient encounter during the measurement period.
Numerator: Patients ordered GCSF within 7 days following receipt of chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer
Denominator Exclusions: Patients on clinical trial at the time of treatment
Denominator Exceptions: None
Numerator Exclusions: None
Published Specialty: Hematology & Oncology
High Priority Measure: Yes
Measure Type: Efficiency
Include Telehealth: Yes
Inverse Measure: Yes
Proportional Measure: Yes
Continuous Variable Measure: No
Ratio Measure: No
Score Range: N/A
Number of Performance Rates: 1
Performance Rate Description: N/A
Risk Adjusted Status: No
MIPS Reporting Options: MVP, Traditional MIPS
Care Setting: Ambulatory Care: Clinician Office/Clinic
Clinical Recommendation Statement: This measure is endorsed by the US Oncology Network of Physicians. Recommendations for the Use of WBC Growth Factors: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Updates (2015). ASCO guidelines recommend using white cell stimulating factors when the risk of febrile neutropenia, secondary to a recommended chemotherapy regimen, is approximately 20 percent and equally effective treatment programs that do not require white cell stimulating factors are unavailable.
Measure Rationale:
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