WebPT Case Study

WebPT Outperforms National Averages on Clinical Quality Measures in MIPS 2021
Services Provided by WebPT
WebPT is a robust end-to-end solution covering the entire rehab therapy business cycle, from billing and managing a practice to delivering quality, evidence-based care. Known in the healthcare industry as “the leading rehab therapy platform for enhancing patient care and fueling business growth,” WebPT’s physical therapy software provides compliant documentation, accurate claims, maximized payments, and more time with patients.
Physical therapists are not required to report in the Promoting Interoperability (PI) performance category, so they are missing a portion of MIPS reporting. Luckily this is reweighted into Quality, but with this reweighting, the emphasis on the Quality category increases.
Physical therapists also don’t have a lot a clinical quality measures (CQMs) from CMS that are both available for reporting and relevant to their specialty. Further, WebPT did not have any Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) measures to offer their users to supplement the CQMs.
WebPT and Healthmonix began their partnership in 2019 to create QCDR measures known as HM measures for physical therapists. Healthmonix worked to get the QCDR measures recognized and approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) for the 2020 reporting year.
This initiative not only entailed building and hosting the QCDR platform, but also included programming the physical therapy-focused measures and submitting the proposed measures and the QCDR self-nomination to CMS, following the agency’s strict requirements and guidelines.
Healthmonix provided guidance on the measure build and oversaw the approval process with CMS. The initial self-nomination was successful and in 2020 the WebPT QCDR Registry was born.
In 2021, CMS requested that Healthmonix harmonize WebPT’s QCDR measures with Keet Health’s physical therapy QCDR measures called IROMS. WebPT and Healthmonix worked with Keet to utilize their IROMs measures for 2022 and continue to offer QCDR measures to WebPT users. Healthmonix provided additional support to WebPT by enabling the calculations for the IROMS measures.
As a result of the partnership and QCDR development from Healthmonix, WebPT has enabled practitioners to track quality outcomes on their clients and patients, utilizing more meaningful specialty measures. While clinicians became acclimated to the new QCDR measures, Healthmonix drove outstanding performance on CQMs for MIPS reporting in 2021. WebPT clinicians outperformed the national average on every measure (with the exception of measure #154 which had no benchmarks) shown below: