Healthmonix 2022 MBHR Measures
See Healthmonix Recommended MIPS Measures for MBHR Practioners below.
Quality Id | Measure Name | High Priority | Measure Type | Measure Description | |
MBHR01 | Use of Anxiety Severity Measure | No | Process | The percentage of adult patients (18 years and older) with an anxiety disorder diagnosis (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or panic disorder) who have completed a standardized tool (e.g., GAD-7, BAI) during measurement period. | Details |
MBHR02 | Anxiety Response at 6-months | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | The percentage of adult patients (18 years of age or older) with an anxiety disorder (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or panic disorder) who demonstrated a response to treatment (GAD-7 score at least 25% less than score at index event) at 6-months (+/- 60 days) after an index visit. | Details |
MBHR03 | Pain Interference Response utilizing PROMIS | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | The percentage of adult patients (18 years of age or older) who report chronic pain issues and demonstrated a response to treatment at one month from the index score. | Details |
MBHR05 | Monitoring for psychosocial problems among children and youth | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | Percentage of children from 3 to 17 years of age who are receiving a psychiatric or behavioral health intake visit AND who demonstrated a reliable change in parent-reported problem behaviors 2 to 10 months after initial positive screen for externalizing and internalizing behavior problems. | Details |
MBHR07 | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Outcome Assessment for Adults and Children | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | The percentage of patients with a history of a traumatic event (i.e., an experience that was unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic) who report symptoms consistent with PTSD for at least one month following the traumatic event AND with documentation of a standardized symptom monitor (PCL-5 for adults, CATS for child/adolescent) AND demonstrated a response to treatment at six months (+/- 120 days) after the index visit. This measure is a multi-strata measure, which addresses symptom monitoring for both child and adult patients being treated for post-traumatic stress symptoms. Assessment instruments monitoring severity of symptoms for PTSD are validated either for adult or child populations. Thus, while the measurement structure will be similar for both populations, the specified instruments for symptom monitoring will be different. | Details |
MBHR08 | Alcohol Use Disorder Outcome Response | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | The percentage of adult patients (18 years of age or older) who report problems with drinking alcohol (e.g., can be noted through a screening measure such as the AUDIT-C as described in MIPS Clinical Quality Measure Quality ID #431 aka NQF 2152 or other drug/alcohol screeners such as the DAST and TAPS AND demonstrated a response to treatment at three months (+/- 60 days) after the index visit. | Details |
MBHR09 | Outcome monitoring of ADHD functional impairment in children and youth | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | Percentage of children aged 4 through 18 years, with a diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who demonstrate a change score of 0.25 or greater on the Weiss Functional Impairment Rating Scale - Parent Report (WFIRS-P) within 2 to 10 months after an initial positive finding of functional impairment. | Details |
MBHR10 | Symptom Improvement in adults with ADHD | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | The percentage of adult patients (18 years of age or older) with a diagnosis of ADHD who show a reduction in symptoms of 25% on the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS-v1.1)- 18 item self-report scale of ADHD symptoms within 2 to 10 months after initially reporting significant symptoms. There are two aspects to this measure. The first is the assessment of the use of the ASRS v.1. during the denominator identification period (Criteria 1 also referred to as Time 1) and the second is the assessment of improvement in the ASRS v.1.1 from the first administration to the second administration of the ASRS v.1.1 (Criteria 2 also referred to as Time 2). | Details |
MBHR11 | Cognitive Assessment with Counseling on Safety and Potential Risk | No | Process | Percentage of patients, regardless of age, referred for evaluation due to concerns for cognitive impairment for whom 1) a standardized valid assessment of cognition was performed and 2) reporting of results included counseling on safety and potential risks. | Details |
MBHR12 | Provision of Feedback Following a Cognitive or Mental Status Assessment with Documentation of Understanding of Test Results and Subsequent Healthcare Plan | Yes | Process | Percentage of patients, regardless of age, who received a standardized cognitive or mental status assessment followed by provision of feedback regarding test results and associated recommendations, who acknowledged understanding of test results and associated recommendations and healthcare plan. | Details |
MBHR13 | Social Role Functioning Assessment utilizing PROMIS Adult Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | The percentage of adult patients (18 years of age or older) who report concerns related to their psychosocial function and who have completed a standardized assessment utilizing the PROMIS Adult Ability to Participate in Social Roles and Activities during measurement period | Details |
MBHR14 | Sleep Quality Response at 3-months | Yes | Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) | Percentage of patients 18 years and older who reported sleep quality concerns (e.g., insomnia) with documentation of a standardized tool AND demonstrated a response to treatment at three months (+/- 60 days) after index visit. | Details |
MBHR15 | Consideration of Cultural-Linguistic and Demographic Factors in Cognitive Assessment | Yes | Process | Percentage of patients, regardless of age, referred for evaluation due to concerns for cognitive changes or difficulties for whom 1) a standardized valid assessment of cognition was performed and 2) interpretation of results included consideration of appropriate and relevant cultural-linguistic and demographic factors. | Details |
MBHR16 | Comprehensive Cognitive Assessment Assists with Differential Diagnosis | Yes | Process | Percentage of patients, regardless of age, referred for evaluation due to concerns for cognitive impairment for whom 1) a standardized valid assessment of cognition was performed and 2) results of assessment informed determination of diagnosis or further clarified etiological factors of cognitive impairment or complaints. | Details |
MBHR17 | Improved Efficiency: Time Interval for reporting results of cognitive assessment | Yes | Process | Percentage of patients, regardless of age, for which the referring provider or patient receives reporting of assessment results within 14 days of the completion of assessment. | Details |
Healthmonix Recommended Measures
for MBHR Practitioners
Quality Id | Measure Name | High Priority | Measure Type | Measure Description |