FAQs About Medicare Claims Data

All your MIPS Cost Analytics questions
answered here

Healthmonix MIPS Cost Analytics are revolutionizing value-based care with the fastest access to current claims data for all your Medicare patients. You can now access insights into Cost performance that can help your practice or network transform patient care. Get all your questions answered on how you can leverage MIPS Cost Analytics for greater patient insights today!

Q. How often will I receive new Medicare claims data?

A. We provide your claims data from CMS on a quarterly basis.

Q. How many years of Medicare claims data can I view?

A. You can view data for the current reporting year, as well as two years prior.

Q. What type of patient information can I view regarding treatment outside of my practice or network?

A. MIPS Cost Analytics packages provide access to all Medicare claims for your patients, enabling you to see all treatment, including episodes of care, Total per Capita Cost (TPCC ), Medicare Spending per Beneficiary (MSPB) and estimate your MIPS Cost score. Other features include HCC scoring, identification of highest cost patients, and the ability to drill down into patient and provider data. Access within MIPSpro, in addition to deeper analytics are included in our packages to provide the full MIPS Cost Analytics experience.

Q. What type of insights does MIPS Cost Analytics provide on patient populations?

A. We provide analytics on like centers of care in your region, as well as nationally. We have access to detailed nationwide data for Medicare patient. This data can be used for comparisons, determining where your practice excels and where there are areas for improvement. In addition, you can identify opportunities to reduce out-of-network referrals and target potential physician and other partnerships to drive new revenue and optimize care.