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QCDRs & Specialty Measures

Ready to earn the 9% incentive? 

Specialty measures & QCDRs can help!

We understand that finding quality measures that are relevant to your practice specialty can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve partnered with leaders across specialties to develop the most relevant measures for quality measurement and inclusion in the MIPS program.  

Our work has led to the creation of Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDRs) and measures for specific specialties. We have the ability to include not only the full set of MIPS quality measures, but also measures that we’ve developed or share with other QCDRs. By maximizing the relevancy of the measures that providers track and report to CMS for quality reporting, we help clinicians improve their workflows, reduce administrative burden and ultimately drive improved patient outcomes.


  • Make your MIPS participation more meaningful by utilizing measures that align with the needs of your practice. 
  • Track performance and submit CMS-approved measures that are both unique to Healthmonix and your specialty.
  • Consult with leading specialists who answer questions about these measures, their intention, their implementation and tips on workflows. 

For emergency medicine & PT/OT/Orthopedists

To create specialty measures & the mental & behavioral health registry 

The Healthmonix Approach

Data Integration

Exchange healthcare data with ease by tapping into our integration network.

Gaps in Care

Address and identify gaps in care with our customizable reports. Then, dig down into disease states, provider subgroups and patient cohorts.

Risk Score Management

Optimize Risk Adjustment Factor (RAF) scores with accurate HCC data to improve MIPS scores and Medicare Advantage reimbursements. 

MIPS & APM Consulting

Expert assistance to maximize your return on investment for QPP participation.


Conduct  MIPS reporting with Healthmonix measures approved by CMS that pertain to your organization's specialty.


Close gaps in care (and  MIPS performance) with a fully managed care coordination program for your patients.